Vital Things for Residents to Know About Car Accidents in Missouri - AllCarIndex

Vital Things for Residents to Know About Car Accidents in Missouri

Jan 14, 2023

Missouri is home to more than two hundred and seventy-seven thousand miles of roadways, where most of the six million residents ply their cars daily. In fact, recent data suggests that Missouri residents collectively drove an average of eighty million miles in 2019. Naturally, instances of minor and significant vehicle collisions are inevitable as an increasing number of state residents take to high-traffic roads.

Fortunately, a car accident lawyer in Missouri can be an incredible asset to victims hoping to claim compensation for the severe injuries and damages they sustain in traffic collisions. These legal experts have immense knowledge of state law, enabling them to determine the best course of action for each case.

The article below elucidates the vital aspects of car accidents in this popular Midwestern state while also explaining why hiring an accident attorney is imperative.

State accident statistics

Missouri has been experiencing an increase in traffic accidents, with data suggesting a twelve percent spike in the last year. This is evident by statistics that show that run-off-road accidents in Missouri from 2016 to 2018 resulted in 1,194 fatalities and 5,413 grievous injuries. It is primarily happening because Missouri has densely populated areas like Columbia, Kansas City, and St. Louis, high-traffic regions where people are susceptible to motor vehicle crashes.

However, unpredictable weather is also responsible for approximately twenty-one thousand car accidents in the state in the last couple of years. It involved elements like snow, hail, and sleet.

Common accident causes and types

Car crashes are among the most common causes of death in the United States, not just in Missouri. In the state, they occur for several reasons, the most typical being alcohol impairment, speeding, and distracted driving. Many local drivers also take to the roads when struggling with fatigue, putting themselves and others at risk. Some tailgate others and fail to yield when they should, leading to major accidents that can have dire consequences.

Invariably, the types of crashes are also diverse, with rear-end and head-on collisions being the commonest. Some Missouri accidents occur when drivers brush up on another vehicle without following traffic rules. Single-car accidents are also pretty standard in the state, which involve more than just a car crashing into an obstacle. In short, it also refers to cases wherein a single vehicle crashes into a bicycle or a pedestrian.

Seeking compensation

Residents can seek compensation for medical expenses, property damage, and loss of earning capacity resulting from a car accident in the state. You may also be entitled to receive compensation for physical pain and suffering, besides damages resulting from emotional and psychological trauma. Although the statute of limitations to file a claim is typically five years from the accident in Missouri, the earlier you file it, the sooner you will be compensated for your loss.

It is necessary for the party at fault to be held liable by establishing proof of the fact to receive compensation for their negligence during an automobile accident. A Missouri legal expert can help with the case, collecting overlooked evidence and conducting an independent investigation to discover every single fact that can assist in gaining their clients the rightful compensation.

Hiring an accident lawyer

Hiring a capable car accident lawyer in Missouri is pivotal if you want the compensation you deserve for your grievous injuries and losses. Look for a local, established, and reputable firm with decades of experience in similar personal injury cases, ensuring you receive top-quality legal services.

Also, hiring a successful expert with millions in compensation earned for their clients can be beneficial because they know the steps needed in each case. Besides browsing positive client reviews and testimonials, you can write to respected Missouri attorneys or call for a free consultation. This will help you determine how suitable they are for your case.

Lastly, reliable local experts assist in other injury cases in Missouri, such as dog bites, defective products, premises liability, construction accidents, nursing home abuse, swimming pool accidents, etc.