Top Tips on How to Find a Reliable Used Car Dealer - AllCarIndex

Top Tips on How to Find a Reliable Used Car Dealer

Nov 05, 2021

While the used car market is rife with superb cost-effective options, finding the right dealer can be tough when you do not know what to watch out for. In the best-case scenario, you may find yourself scoring the vehicle of a lifetime, and in the worst case, you could come home with a rust bucket and an empty wallet. 

To ensure that this does not happen to you, here are some top tips to help you find a dealer you can truly rely on. 

Look for a Customer-Oriented Dealership

Buying a used car means asking questions, trusting the sales rep, and taking your prospective new wheels for a test drive. You likely do not want to be scammed in this area, and unfortunately, this can happen. Keeping your eyes out for a dealer that promises to look out for their customers can help you avoid this, as, after all, they are basing their reputation on your satisfaction. 

If you want an example of what this might look like, take a look at a used cars Cardiff business, as they take an approach to business that involves putting the customer first. 

Search for Reviews and Recommendations

Reviews can sometimes be extremely revealing and, in many cases, offer some deeper insight into how the dealership interacts with the general public. 

Searching for reviews online should be among your first objectives on your hunt for the right dealer, so do not hesitate to check out sites like Glassdoor, Google My Business, and Indeed for some additional info. 

Asking your friends, family, and colleagues if they know of any reliable dealers is also a good way to get an idea of what to watch out for, particularly if they have personal experiences that they can share with you. 

Seek Out the Perks

In many cases, the best used car dealers will be able to offer you some neat perks that should certainly be taken advantage of. While perks can be great initially, they are often indicative of a well-established company that possesses an expert knowledge of the industry, one that has the resources to look after you once you have made the purchase. 

The purchase itself should not be the end of your interaction with the dealer, particularly in the automotive industry where regular maintenance, access to new parts, and support is often needed. 

Some of these perks might include financing options, warranty advice, a part exchange program, or even a price-matching promise. 

What Kind of Inventory Do They Have?

A bigger inventory does not necessarily mean a better inventory. The two are not mutually exclusive, however, and some dealers stock a huge array of models to choose from.

This is extremely important to look out for, as you may stumble across your perfect vehicle without even realizing it or perhaps leave with a car that you did not want in the first place

This is also crucial if you were considering part exchanging your current vehicle, as it is worth going to a dealer that stocks your particular brand.