How to Drive Safely Around Trucks - AllCarIndex

How to Drive Safely Around Trucks

Oct 23, 2020

Truck drivers were once christened as the knights of the highways for the massive rigs they operate. But truck drivers have now come to be viewed by many as a threat on the roads and even dangerous to other road users. The trucks are massive and as they barrel down the highways, they can seem haphazard. As consumers heavily rely on 18-wheelers to transport almost everything from household goods to groceries, learning to safely use the roads is in everyone's best interests.

But statistics suggest there is good news. The freight-related fatalities are on a decline by 23.8 percent over the last two decades. Additionally, the Department of Transportation has continued to make significant efforts to make commercial vehicles safer for them and every other road user.

But in the meantime, you have more control over your road safety than you possibly realize. Numerous studies have suggested that passenger vehicles are at fault in most fatal crashes involving commercial trucks. However, by their sheer size, truck crashes are more likely to result in casualties.

Stay at a Safe Distance

There are various reasons to avoid driving closely behind commercial trucks or even alongside them. For example, should the truck's tire blow, there is a high chance of suffering serious harm or damaging your vehicle. Additionally, trucks make wide turns, and being in a blind spot during this turn could have unfortunate outcomes. If you are driving dangerously close to the truck and fail to stop in time your vehicle could easily slide under the truck.

Give the Trucks Time to Stop

An 18-wheeler can legally weigh up to 80,000 pounds, which is massive compared to a 4,000-pound car. A fully loaded tractor-trailer doing 65 miles an hour will take almost the length of two Olympic swimming pools to stop. The dynamics around its emergency braking systems are the reason for many truck accidents on the highways. As such, avoid cutting them off and leave enough distance for the truck's sudden stops.

Be Alert, Be Aware

Whether driving near a truck or not it is essential for every driver to be fully aware of their surroundings. Distractions can be fatal. When you are alert and aware, you are already doing your part of staying safe on the roads.

Avoid Blind Spots

One major reason not to drive alongside a truck is that the driver might not see you. Commercial trucks have blind spots on either side of the truck as well as the front and back. It is especially important to avoid these "no zones" as the driver might not see you when changing lanes, backing up, or making turns.

Pass Promptly

Many commercial trucks have speed limits that prevent them from exceeding certain speeds. If you need to overtake a truck, make sure you can see the driver in the mirror from a safe distance, signal, and pass on the left promptly. Avoid lingering in the blind spots.

In conclusion, upholding road safety is a collective responsibility. Truck drivers are taught on safe road use as well, so the paramount thing is to own this responsibility. Safer roads are in everyone's best interests, and together we can make the roads safer.